Our Vision is of dynamic and diverse tree-rich landscapes that regenerate the environment, our communities and the natural world.
We inspire and enable each other to come together to grow, plant and care for climate resilient trees.
We create opportunities to learn about and value trees, promoting well-being and helping us to connect with our communities and the natural environment.
We believe in Openness
- We are curious, inquisitive and always open to new ideas so that we can adapt to an ever-changing environment.
- We welcome and proactively engage with a wide range of people; being diverse makes us stronger and more effective together.
We believe in Caring
- We grow a diverse range of healthy, resilient trees, plant the right trees in the right places for the right reasons, and care for them when they are in the ground.
- We seek to understand and support the needs and aspirations of everyone involved with our activities.
We believe in Regeneration
- We take a holistic and regenerative approach to everything we do, from collecting seed to planting trees in the ground, to being the change we want to see in the world.
- We are committed to green and climate positive working practices, keeping our carbon footprint low, using no more than we need, and using locally sourced, re-purposed and renewable materials, wherever possible.
We believe in Collaboration
- We take a collaborative approach with communities, landowners and partner organisations in all aspects of work.
- We share knowledge and experience because together we can achieve more.