Parks Depot, B&NES

From 2021, our Hub has been based at the BANES Council Parks Depot in Royal Victoria Park. We are currently finalising a new home for our Hub for our third year onwards, but for nearly two years, the Parks department has been our home and we are very grateful for their hospitality and support. From loaning a greenhouse to providing friendly advice and helping water our growing seedlings during the summer months – thank you Parks!

Bath Building Society

We are excited to be working with Bath Building Society (BiBs) this year.

BiBs funded and helped plant the first batch of 1200 trees at Axbridge Road this March in celebration of their 120-year anniversary.

We are delighted that they now have a tree nursery in the courtyard of their offices. They will be the first to grow trees using the air pruning method!

We have also recently received a BiBs Charity Award.

Blooming Whiteway

Blooming Whiteway, a local community group run by Claire Loder and Jude Rice, is based on the Whiteway estate between Bath City Farm and the open countryside. Blooming Whiteway is about growing – growing plants and growing as a community exploring how to garden as a neighbourhood to increase biodiversity.

Our Barrowmead CTN, just off Rush Hill, is managed by Blooming Whiteway and we collaborated with them on one of this year’s planting projects planting over 600 trees at Whiteway Green in March.


We are thrilled to have collaborated with CURO on our tree planting projects in 2023. We planted around 800 home-grown trees on two Curo owned sites at Whiteway Green and Axbridge Road over 3 days in March.

Special thanks go to Joe Robson (former Senior Arboriculturalist) and Carl McMurty for their support and time.

We are also working with CURO on developing a new central Hub on one of their sites in Twerton. More news to follow!

Tree Council

The Tree Council helped to fund our first home grown tree planting event at Whiteway Green this March and our new Volunteer Coordinator post. We have enjoyed their support and encouragement and appreciated the advice they have given to us throughout our journey to date.


Based in Bath, design pioneers, Splinterworks, formed in 2009 as a collaboration between Miles Hartwell and Matt Withington.

Their experimental and theatrical designs involve reimagining familiar objects with beautifully crafted functioning sculpture. From bespoke sculptural furniture, pool slides to hammock baths, they create pieces that enhance the environment and elevate the experience of everyday life.

We would like to thank Splinterworks for their generous support this year. Their donation has helped us grow and achieve so much more. We cannot thank them enough.

Community Tree Nursery Collaborative

Community Tree Nursery Collaborative, run by the Fellowship of the Trees, has been extremely supportive of us and our work. This collaborative has been an amazing resource. There are community nurseries all around the UK and the Collaborative bring us all together to share knowledge, ideas and experiences. We are hugely grateful to the collaborative and Fellowship of the Trees for all their help. We couldn’t have got going without them!

We would also like to thank the following for their support