More Trees started planting trees across Bath and North East Somerset in 2008. In 2021 we took the important decision to grow our own trees, trees grown from seed collected from our own local ancient and semi-natural woodlands helping to meet the increasing demand for local tree planting projects.
We love trees! And we want more of them, the right trees in the right places for the right reasons. Trees are vital to life. We need them for food, timber, shade, wildlife, as well as for carbon capture. They are also beautiful and have a proven positive impact on our health and wellbeing.
Our vision is of a dynamic and diverse tree rich landscape across Bath and North East Somerset and beyond. We are building a community of people who together are learning about trees, how to grow, plant and care for them to transform our local environment into the future.
We are pooling our knowledge, our resources and our time to grow good quality climate resilient trees with local provenance and low carbon footprint. We want to engage a wide range of people in our work. To support this, we have developed a unique model with a central nursery Hub supporting a network of community and school based tree nurseries.
Together we are investing in the future and making a real difference, improving the natural world around us and building our communities.
We hope you will join us on this exciting journey.